7 Replace the icons with in, on or at to complete the sentences below about Nelson Mandela. Write the answers in your notebook

a. Nelson Mandela married Winnie Madikizela * the age of 39.

b. He was released from prison * February 11, 1990.

c. He became the first black president of South Africa * 1994.

d. * 1999 he declined a second presidential term.

a estrelinha * é onde é pra completar ok​

por favor me ajude

Resposta :

⇒⇒  Prepositions

a. Nelson Mandela married Winnie Madikizela   at   the age of 39.

b. He was released from prison  on  February 11, 1990.

c. He became the first black president of South Africa  in   1994.

d. In 1999 he declined a second presidential term.


→→  Prepositions IN - ON - AT

in - geral

on - more specific - mais específico

at - very specific - muito específico

→→  ''in'' para se referir aos períodos maiores e menos específicos, como uma parte do dia, meses, estações do ano, anos, séculos

in May

in Summer

in 1990

in the morning

in the Spring

in the past

→→  ''on'' para dias da semana e datas

on 6th March

on the weekend

on Sunday morning

Monday afternoon

on January 10th, 2010

on New Year’s Eve

→→  ''at'' para tempo específico (hora), lugar, address - endereço completo

at one clock

at half past nine.

at the Mall

at Easter

at the same time

at 3245 Paulista Ave.

at 97 Ocean Dr.

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