5. KNIVES is the plural of KNIFE. Which of the words below DOES NOT forma its plural in the same way

a) Wife
c) Leaf
d) Chief
e) Half.

6. Assinale a alternativa correta que preenche corretamente as lacunas:

>Boys have big ________ and girls have Small _________.

a) foots-ones

b) feet- ones

c) feet- one

d) feets- one

7. Match the colums below so that the words in the second column fit the sentences provided in the first one:

1. Tom and Mary love their _____________.

2. Put the oranges inside ______________.

3. I cant' t walk. My _________ are aching a lot.

4. The __________ are flying south.

5. The cat is hunting the __________.

6. When Jane fell over , she broke two of ter ____________.

5 KNIVES Is The Plural Of KNIFE Which Of The Words Below DOES NOT Forma Its Plural In The Same Waya Wife BLife C Leafd Chief E Half6 Assinale A Alternativa Corr class=