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The New Student

Zari and Lily are siting together on the school bus.

Lily, there is a new student in our class!

His name is Miguel.

Miguel, huh?

He is from Mexico.

His father writes books!

Very interesting.

He speaks three languages.

Oh, he is intelligent.

Intelligent...and tall. And he has beautiful… Haha, yes?

Um. Beautiful shoes.

Zari, Miguel is sitting behind you.


Hi, Miguel!

Hi, Lily! How are you?

I am good, thanks.

Miguel, this is my friend, Zari.

She likes your...shoes.

Oh, um, hi, Miguel.

1. Retire do texto:

2 substantivos: _________________________________________________________

2 adjetivos: ____________________________________________________________

2 artigos:______________________________________________________________

2 pronomes: ___________________________________________________________

2 verbos: ______________________________________________________________

Resposta :


substantivos: Mexico, Miguel


Adjetivos: new, beautiful

Artigos: the, a

Pronomes: I, She

Verbos: siting, writes