Resposta :
1.4.1. Drug addiction leads to heavy usage, which, physically, leads to heart diseases and brain damage.
Emotional impacts include a range of ill effects, from bad mood and attention span to downright psychosis.
1.4.2. Unsafe road use is dangerous and leads to accidents. It can destroy lives and families - yours and someone else’s too. Besides, speeding very likely will lead to trouble with cops.
As far as lifestyle choices go, this is not a good one. That being said, there are external factors that lead to unsafe road use. Too much work to do, for instance.
1.4.3. Sometimes teenagers think they are indestructible. They appear to be so sure of themselves that forget to take care.
Deep down in the minds of young people, however, perhaps there is a desire to self inflict damage. A low self esteem problem.
1.4.4. Teenagers are very gregarious by nature. And it goes either way, for good and bad. In order to gain social status among their peers, some young folks will do anything, including risky and even illegal behavior.
Another problem is emotional. Young people do seek thrills and strong experiences. But sometimes it can all go the wrong way.
Como criar textos argumentativos em inglês
O exercício pede análises e pequenas argumentações em inglês, a respeito de motivações para comportamento jovem de risco. As sugestões de abordagem acima mostram opções para tratar o tema.
Ao criar um texto em inglês, um conselho é sempre tentar pensar as frases diretamente no idioma. A ação instintiva de pensar em português e depois traduzir pode originar textos truncados.
Mesmo com um pequeno vocabulário é possível fazer isso, usando frases simples.
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