lame: YA 1) Put the sentences a) Suzy lost her job. She has free time (Walk). b) three for 3 weeks. (Stay). Are you going to travel to Recife. To travel to recife?. No, I've allredy. The yellow bike than blue motocycle. (Be) English exem. in the presente perfect. c) 2) Complete the sentences using a comparative a)A healthly life is Class than Money (Important). (Interesting). b) John works is a bit boring someti-me. He would like to do something. d) The weather today is cool but I would prefer that it was /07/2022. bimester there for Sometimes (Warm).​

Lame YA 1 Put The Sentences A Suzy Lost Her Job She Has Free Time Walk B Three For 3 Weeks Stay Are You Going To Travel To Recife To Travel To Recife No Ive All class=

Resposta :



walked (past participle)


has been (auxiliary verb have accordingly to 3rd person singular

2 a more important than

b more interesting than (long adjective comparative form

c warmer (short adjective comparative form

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