Analise as assertivas abaixo de acordo com a formação das frases no simple present e escolha as alternativas corretas. I. The US health system does not provides health care to the country's entire population. II. The rise of social media means decades-old rules requiring that the identities of deceased organ donors and organ recipients remain secret are fast becoming obsolete. III. Many American holiday traditions have roots in other countries, and how they are celebrated can vary from house to house. IV. Americans enjoy alone time and appreciates privacy, especially when it come to their money. V. Americans eats out not only in the interest of time and convenience, but because it’s fun! The U.S. is a melting pot of different cultures, bringing along a variety of tasty food options. VI. The idea of being self-sufficient is valued highly in the U.S. Many American kids and teenagers leave home for extended periods of time, often for summer camps or travel. ESCOLHA A ALTERNATIVA EM QUE TODAS AS ASSERTIVAS SÃO CORRETAS. a. I; II, III b. II; IV, V c. III, V, VI d. II; V, VI e. II, III; VI