(1) conjugue os verbos no simple past.

(A) cry (B) enjoy (C) fix

(2) passe todas as oraçôes para o simple past, nas formas afirmativas, negativa e interogativa.

(A) i love my mother.

(B) they clean the dishes.

(C) you washyou clothes.

(D) he plays videogames.

(E) she look at me.

(F) we cook cakes.

(G) i fix my mobile.

(H) he wants more money.

minha tarefa de casa de ingles do 9 ano. URGENTE

Resposta :



1) A- cried

B- enjoyed

C- fixed

2) A- Afirmativa: I loved my mother.

Interrogativa: Did I love my mother?

Negativa: I didn't love my mother.

B- Afirmativa: They cleaned the dishes.

Interrogativa: Did they clean the dishes?

Negativa: They didn't clean the dishes.

C- Afirmativa: You washed your clothes.

Interrogativa: Did you wash your clothes?

Negativa: You didn't wash your clothes.

D- Afirmativa: He played video games.

Interrogativa: Did he play video games?

Negativa: He didn't play video games.

E- Afirmativa: She looked at me.

Interrogativa: Did she look at me?

Negativa: She didn't look at me.

F- Afirmativa: We cooked cakes.

Interrogativa: Did we cook cakes?

Negativa: We didn't cook cakes.

G- Afirmativa: I fixed my mobile.

Interrogativa: Did I fix my mobile?

Negativa: I didn't fix my mobile.

H- Afirmativa: He wanted more money.

Interrogativa: Did he want more money?

Negativa: He didn't want more money.


Espero ter ajudado!