Resposta :
1) A- cried
B- enjoyed
C- fixed
2) A- Afirmativa: I loved my mother.
Interrogativa: Did I love my mother?
Negativa: I didn't love my mother.
B- Afirmativa: They cleaned the dishes.
Interrogativa: Did they clean the dishes?
Negativa: They didn't clean the dishes.
C- Afirmativa: You washed your clothes.
Interrogativa: Did you wash your clothes?
Negativa: You didn't wash your clothes.
D- Afirmativa: He played video games.
Interrogativa: Did he play video games?
Negativa: He didn't play video games.
E- Afirmativa: She looked at me.
Interrogativa: Did she look at me?
Negativa: She didn't look at me.
F- Afirmativa: We cooked cakes.
Interrogativa: Did we cook cakes?
Negativa: We didn't cook cakes.
G- Afirmativa: I fixed my mobile.
Interrogativa: Did I fix my mobile?
Negativa: I didn't fix my mobile.
H- Afirmativa: He wanted more money.
Interrogativa: Did he want more money?
Negativa: He didn't want more money.
Espero ter ajudado!