só havia uma maneira de physter carregar Friends pelos Mares escuros Que maneiras era essa E por que ele precisava pensar antes de decidir levar a rocha consigo ​

Resposta :


opportunities, investments and credibility are broadly defined by gender. But the

social imagination still indicates that women and men athletes should act in different

spheres: for men, performance and high impact sports that symbolize strength and

virility; for women, aesthetics, beauty and sensuality emerge as the most important

factors in the division of modalities. The media, also, reinforces invisibilities with the

predominance of men's football in sports coverage. With the intention of pointing out

these and other contradictions, the Dibradoras blog appears in 2015, with a well

positioned, engaged action concerned with giving women visibility and prominence in

sports. According to Stuart Hall (1998), all news are produced from cultural maps of

meanings in the social world triggered by journalists. Thus, in this thesis, we define

the coverage of Dibradoras as feminist sports journalism, which is supported by a

cultural map of sports that is redefined and in transformation, whose characteristics

we delimited at the end of this research. In order to identify aspects of this new map

that underlies the social production of news on the blog, in addition to delving deeper

into gender and sport and the feminist press, we analyzed Dibradoras from the three

instances of newsworthiness proposed by Gislene Silva (2014). They are the origin

of the facts, how the facts are treated and the view of these facts: the first one

concerns news values, the second is centered on the organization that produces the

content and the third is based on ethical, philosophical and epistemological

journalism. The corpus of analysis is composed of texts published in 2018 – the year

that Dibradoras became part of UOL's blogosphere and was nationally projected for

a broader audience – as well with interviews with well-known names in the branch.

Among the results, we conclude that newsworthiness in Dibradoras develops at the

same time as it’s journalists recognize themselves as feminist women and make a

self-criticism about their role as spokespersons of the debate on women's

participation in sports. Furthermore, in a theoretical and empirical understanding of

feminist sports journalism and the cultural map of sports that is redefined and in

transformation, we establish 20 principles that can be used as a basis for other

productions. These new narratives work as part of the process of change to give

women prominence, opportunity and reinforce their place in sport.

Keywords: Feminist sports journalism; Sport; Feminism;