Resposta :
2. Completando as sentenças com a forma correta dos verbos to be ou there to be, no passado, temos:
a) There was a very shy boy in my classroom last year. He was always quiet in the classes.
b) My neighbors were competing in a volleyball match. There were ten teams in the tournament. My neighbors were the winners.
c) Jeremy was worried about his grades. His grades were horrible and he needed to improve them. There was a girl, Monica, who helped him to study and he finally could pass the final exams.
d) I was on vacation last month and I traveled a lot. There were vehicles I could choose, but I love trains, there was a train going from Belo Horizonte to Vitória and I decided to take it. It was the best experience in the world!
Verbos To Be e there to be
O verbo to be corresponde aos nossos "ser" e "estar". É um verbo irregular, porque sua conjugação se altera bastante em cada tempo verbal. Ele é usado quando as pessoas querem se apresentar (dar informações sobre si mesmas) ou falar com/sobre outras pessoas. Também utiliza-se para dizer o lugar onde coisas/pessoas estão.
Sua conjugação no Past Simple, na afirmativa, é:
- I was
- You were
- He, She, It was
- We were
- You were
- They were
There was e there were são traduzidos como existia/havia e existiam. "There was" é usado antes das pessoas I/He/She/It e "there were" usa-se antes das pessoas You/We/They.
No exercício, quando você quiser falar que existia, havia algo, usará there was/there were (preste atenção nas pessoas). E quando quiser dizer que alguém fez algo, basta usar was/were (também de acordo com a pessoa do discurso).
Para saber mais sobre tempos verbais em inglês, acesse: