MARINASILVA327GO MARINASILVA327GO Inglês Respondido alguém ajuda por favor obrigadaAssinale a opção correta para cada sentença.01. ___ many reasons for us to leave this place. The enemy soldiers are coming! a) There is b) Is there c) Are there d) There are e) There isn’t02. ___ a problem with your wash machine yesterday.a) There wasb) There were c) There’s d) There are e) There will be 03. “___ a terrorist attack in Middle East soon.” says CIA.a) There is b) There was c) There wered) There were no e) There will be 04. Watch out! ___ crocodiles in this lagoon. a) There is b) There is no c) There are d) There are no e) There will be05. ___ any tool in here to fix my bike?a) There are b) Are there c) Is there d) There is e) There will be