Resposta :
a) He can play tennis.
negativa: He can't play tennis.
interrogativa: Can he play tennis?
b) She can dance with you
negativa: She can't dance with you.
interrogativa: Can she dance with you?
c) I can study English.
negativa: I can't study English.
interrogativa: Can I study English?
d) We can play the piano.
negativa: We can't play the piano.
interrogativa: Can we play the piano?
Na afirmativa, o can vem depois do sujeito
Na interrogaiva, ele vem antes do dujeito.
Na negativa é só acrescentar not na frente do can (can not), que na forma contraída fica can't. Ele virá depois do sujeito.
a) N: He can't play tennis.
I: Can he play tennis?
b) N: She can't dance with you.
I: Can she dance with you?
c) N: I can't study English.
I: Can I study English?
d) N: We can't play the piano.
I: Can we play the piano?
Espero ter ajudado, bons estudos! :)