OTAKINHAOTAKINHA99GO OTAKINHAOTAKINHA99GO Inglês Respondido 1) Complete as sentenças com many ou much: a) You don’t have so ______________ money to spend on so______________ things!b) We have been absorbing ________________ information lately.c) _______________ TV channels are now available.d) There are not_________________ good movies on exhibition thisweekends.e) There are _______________ tourists at the beach in summer.2) Complete com little ou few:a) _______________ students knew how to do the exercise.b) I live in a ________________ house not far from here.c) Some years ago all those patients had _____________ chances tosurvive.d) The train leaves in 10 minutes! Hurry up ! You have______________time.e) She eats ______________ fattening food.