Resposta :
⇒⇒ Comparatives
⇒⇒ Adjectives
⇒⇒ Adverbs
1) Escreva a forma correta dos adjetivos abaixo no COMPARATIVO:
a) popular ⇔ more popular than
b) good ⇔ better than
c) poor ⇔ poorer than
2) Escreva a forma correta dos adjetivos abaixo no SUPERLATIVO:
a) bad ⇔ the worst
b) hot ⇔ the hottest
c) serious ⇔ the most serious
3) Complete o exercício com adjetivo ou advérbio correto:
a) Paul is very sad. (sad/sadly)
b) We need to finish this exercise quickly (quick/quickly) today.
c) They did a good work. (good/well)
4) Assinale o adjetivo e advérbio escritos corretamente:
a) ( ) dangerous - dangerouslly
b) ( ) fast - fastly
c) (x) calm - calmly ✅
5) Assinale a alternativa correta:
"Having family is more important than any other thing in life."
a) ( ) importanter than
b) (x) more important ✅
c) ( ) the most important
6) Assinale o comparativo e o superlativo correto da palavra GORGEOUS:
a) ( ) more gorgeous / the gorgeouset
b) ( ) gorgeouser / the most gorgeous
c) (x) more gorgeous / the most gorgeous ✅
7) Assinale a alternativa correta que substitua as palavras sublinhadas corretamente:
"Simon and I are having fun with Christine and Ian!
a) ( ) They - them
b) ( ) He - they
c) (x) We - them ✅
8) Assinale a alternativa correta:
"The women were cooking lunch while I was calling my friends."
a) ( ) cooked lunch - was calling
b) (x) were cooking lunch - was calling ✅
c) ( ) was cooking lunch - called
d) ( ) was cooking lunch - calling
9) Assinale a alternativa correta:
" Chris is the most humble girl I know."
a) ( ) more humble
b) (x) the most humble ✅
c) ( ) humblest
10) Assinale a alternativa correta:
" Sebastian is more dedicated than his brother."
a) ( ) the more dedicated
b) ( ) the most dedicated
c) (x) more dedicated ✅
⇒⇒ Comparative form >> um tem qualidade/característica superior, enfatizado por ''mais .... do que'' ou ''mais ... que'' >> more ... than
→→ Adjetivos com até duas sílabas, a regra é acrescentar ‘’-er’’ ao adjetivo e incluir a palavra ‘’than’’ que significa ‘’do que’’.
Estrutura >>> adjetivo + -er + than
Bob is taller than his brother, Jack. (tall)
Bob é mais alto do que seu irmão, Jack.
→→ Adjetivos com mais de 3 sílabas - acrescenta ''more'' antes do adjetivo + than
Estrutura >>> more + adjetivo + than
Liz is more beautiful than Susan.
Liz é mais bonita do que Susan.
A plane is more expensive than a car.
Um avião é mais caro do que um carro.
→→ Adjetivo com duas sílabas e advérbio que termina em consoante + ''y'', tira o ''y'' e acrescenta ''-ier'' + than
busy >> busier than
heavy >> heavier than
lucky >> luckier than
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