Resposta :
1.) What exactly DO you do for a living
2.) IS your company based here in yhr south east
3.) How long HAVE Harry been working there
4.) I DID know that you had applied for that job
5,) I AM studying French at the university when I met Laura
6.) Jeff HAS learnt much about the subject yet
7.) DID Rob go to work earlier than usual this morning
8,) What ARE you two talking about when I came into the room
2 ) Choose the correct option :
3 ) Halfway home , Tom realized he hadn't filled the car with petrol .
3 ) Complete the sentences :
1.) Your dress looks __ really nice
2.) It sounds AS you had a great time on the trip
3 ) Petra looks LIKE if she seen a ghost .
4.) The plot seems LIKE a bit dull and boring to me .
5.) Unfottunately , the cake I made tastes LIKE an old shoe .
6.) Your coat ___smell funny
7.) Danny is just LIKE his father
8.) It sounded AS if people were a bit disappointed by the performance .
4 ) Match the words :
1 . Worried _ ( d ) stressed
2, Angry __ ( e ) furious
3. Bad __ ( f ) guilty
4 , Happy __( a ) pleased
5; Bored __ ( b ) fed up
6 . Depressed _ ( c ) down
5. ) Complete :
1.) What are you THINKING of doing once you've finished the course .
2) I can't come because I HAVE to help out at the college tomorrow .
3.) We probably MIGHT see you again until we get back .
4.) Susie's GOING to retake the exam's she failed .
5.) What time are you MEETING John
6.) I WON'T come around later if I have time , but it depends
7.) Joe's thinking OF changing jobs
8,) When are you going TO painting those walls .
6.) Choose the correct option :
1.) A lively street PARK ( um parque de rua animado )
2.) A modern Art GALLERY ( uma galeria de arte moderna )
3.) A theme TOWN ( Uma cidade temática )
4.) Market STALLS ( Barracas de mercado )
5.) Exciting night LIFE ( vida noturna emocionante )
7.) Complete :
1.) How long DO YOU HAVE that watch
Oh , almost a year , I think . I love it .
2.) How long Dan SPENT in Greece
Three months . He went last may and came back at the start of August
3.) How long DID YOU WARM up
Only for five minutes . I think we need to warm up a bit more before we start .
4.) Shelley KNOWS John for long
No , not really, They only met a month ago but they seem to be in love .
5.) How long HAVE YOU SUPORTED Manchester City
All my life . I'll support them until I die !
6.) HAVE YOU SEEM that horror movie yet
Yes , I have . It was great .
8.) Choose the correct word :
1.) Unfit ( impróprio )
Andy sits in his armchair and never goes to the gym . That's why he's so UNFIT .
2.) My legs are really STIFF after plaiyng football for two hurs yesterday .
3.) It's not a serious HURT . You will be back playing in a week or two .
4.) It takes a long time to RECOVER from a bang on the head
5.) I've had my foot IN plaster for two weeks .
A seguir as respostas do questionário acerca dos verbs to be, do e have.
1.1. What exactly do you do for a living?
2. Is your company based here in the south east?
3. How long have Harry been working there?
4. I do know that you had applied for that job.
5. I am studying French at the university when I met Laura.
6. Jeff has learnt much about the subject yet.
7. Did Rob go to work earlier than usual this morning?
8. What were you two talking about when I came into the room?
2. A opção correta (correct option) é 3. Halfway home, Tom realized he hadn't filled the car with petrol.
3. 1. Your dress looks -- really nice.
2. It sounds like you had a great time on the trip.
3. Petra looks like if she seen a ghost .
4. The plot seems like a bit dull and boring to me.
5. Unfottunately, the cake I made tastes as an old shoe.
6. Your coat -- smell funny.
7. Danny is just like his father.
8. It sounded as if people were a bit disappointed by the performance.
4. 1. Worried (d) stressed
2. Angry (e) furious
3. Bad (f) guilty
4. Happy (a) pleased
5. Bored (b) fed up
6 . Depressed (c) down
5. 1. What are you thinking of doing once you've finished the course.
2. I can't come because I have to help out at the college tomorrow.
3. We probably might see you again until we get back.
4. Susie's going to retake the exam's she failed.
5. What time are you meeting John?
6. I won't come around later if I have time, but it depends.
7. Joe's thinking of changing jobs.
8. When are you going to painting those walls?
6. 1. A lively street park.
2. A modern art gallery.
3. A theme town.
4. Market stalls.
5. Exciting night life.
7. 1. How long do you have that watch?
2. How long Dan spent in Greece?
3. How long did you warmed up?
4. Shelley knows John for long?
5. How long have you supported Manchester City?
6. Have you seen that horror movie yet?
8. 1. Unfit
2. Stiff
3. Injury
4. Recover
5. In.
Exercícios de complete a frase
Esse tipo de exercício costumam ser grandes aliados na hora de treinar o vocabulário ao aprender uma nova língua. Além de nos permitem treinar nosso vocabulário, estamos enriquecendo-o e firmando-o.
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