Alguém sabe as perguntas ? Por favor preciso até hjjjj

1. Write questions for the answers.
Yes, they had been ignoring the signals for over a year. It was negligence!
No, she had never shown any consideration or sympathy toward me.
Yes, she had been admiring him her whole life.
Yes, the company had been thinking about the client's satisfaction.
No, we hadn't been married before.
Yes, he had been treating me with indifference until I got a new admirer.

Resposta :


Escreva perguntas para as respostas:

A) did you see what happened to them?

A) Sim, eles estavam ignorando os sinais por mais de um ano. Foi negligência!

B) Does she love you too?

B) Não, ela nunca mostrou qualquer consideração ou simpatia por mim.

C) She must be liking him, isn't she?

C) Sim, ela o admirou durante toda a vida.

D) Now customers are quite satisfied, aren't they?

D) Sim, a empresa vinha pensando na satisfação do cliente.

E) Weren't you married?

E) Não, não tínhamos sido casados antes...

F) he didn't know how to take care of you, did he?

F) Sim, ele vinha me tratando com indiferença até que consegui um novo admirador.