1º) Preencha os espaços, a seguir, com as palavras que estão entre parênteses, de acordo com sua classificação. ( Rice - apple – table - car - cheese - meet - banana ) How Much ______________________________________________________________________ How many ___________________________________ ___________________________________
2º) Escreva HOW MUCH ou HOW MANY para as seguintes perguntas: ___________________Money do you need? I need five dollars. ___________________Water do you want? I wan two glasses of want? ___________________Cheese is there on the table? There is litle cheese on the table? ___________________pears are there in the basket? There are four pears. ___________________pencils are there in the pencilcase? There are there pencils. ___________________People are there in the garden? There are thirty-two people.
3) Traduza as frases a seguir : a) How many students are there in the class. b) How much is this book? c) It´s twenty reais. d) How many tables are there in the restaurant? e) There are twenty tables.