1) Observe com atenção as frases abaixo e selecione apenas a correta quanto ao uso dos adjetivos e pronomes possessivos: a) (PUC – SP) “What is the name of that man?” “________ name is Tim Baker.” * 5 pontos his hers your her b) (U. F. São carlos – SP) You like my car, but I prefer ____ * 5 pontos its your yours mine c) (OSEC – SP) My house is new. _____ windows are red. * 5 pontos their you they its it d) (FUVEST – SP) Complete responses with the appropriate possessive pronoun: a) Is this Mary’s book ? Yes it is _______ b) Is this your brother’s house ? Yes, it is __________ * 5 pontos Her – Hers His – Hers His – Her Hers – His e) (FEEQ – CE) The apartment belongs to that man and his wife. It is ________ apartment * 5 pontos them their his her f) (FUVEST – PR) Reescreva completando com os pronomes possessivos correspondentes as expressões destacadas a) This is my book. It’s _______ b) The house belongs to John and Mary. It’s __________ * 5 pontos Mine – Their Mine – Theirs Their – Mine Mine – Mine Theirs – Mine