Use will ou won’t para completar as frases a seguir. Perceba o contexto da frase
para entender quando usar cada um.

1. I __________ do that, it’s against my will.
2. We __________ tolerate those words.
3. I __________ give you a good present for your birthday.
4. I __________ go to the cinema when I finish my homework.
5. All right! You __________ have what you want. You deserve it.
6. I __________ meet you next week, I expect.
7. It __________ rain later today.
8. Nobody __________ touch it without my permission.
9. She __________ accept those conditions. They are too severe.
10. I __________ speak to you if you don’t apologize first.
11. She __________ help you with your homework, don’t worry!
12. Perhaps I __________ borrow her car, if she lets me.
13. We __________ visit you next month. We promise!
14. I’m sorry, but I __________ lend you my dress. It’s special to me.