Resposta :
1. Will you go to the disco? Você irá para a discoteca?
- Short Answers: Respostas curtas:
Affirmative form: Yes, I will.
Negative form: No, I won't.
- Long Answers: Respostas longas:
Affirmative form: Yes, I'll go to the disco.
Negative form: No, I won't go to the disco.
2. Will we have English tomorrow? Nó teremos inglês amanhã?
- Short Answers: Respostas curtas:
Affirmative form: Yes, we will.
Negative form: No, we won't.
- Long Answers: Respostas longas:
Affirmative form: Yes, we'll have English tomorrow.
Negative form: No, we won't have English tomorrow.