1- Marque a alternativa que foi preenchida corretamente com a Tag question. *
a) It’s not cold outside today, is it?
b) She’s not going to take another course, isn’t she?
c) He’s recently been ill, is he?
d) He’s always lived by himself, is he?
e) She’s on time to work, is she?

2- Marque a alternativa incorreta: *
a) You weren’t at the last meeting, WERE YOU?
b) She’s listening to the news, ISN’T SHE?
c) I’m at home every night, AREN’T I?
d) She is German, IS SHE?
e) They aren’t married, ARE THEY?

3- Complete a frase a seguir com a tag question correta "The sun was shining, __________ ? " *
a) wasn’t she?
b) were you?
c) weren’t you?
d) wasn’t it?
e) was it?