Resposta :
1. He was a good student
2.They were here
3.It was all right
4.We were busy
5.She was happy
6.They were at school
7.I wasn't the garden
8.They weren't sad
9.Where was he?
10.Wasn't he at home?
11.It wasn't important
12.Was the lesson difficult?
13.Who were they?
14.Were the windows open?
he was a good student
they were here
It's was right
we were busy
she was happy
they were at school
i was not in the Garden
they were sad
where was he?
was he at home (n confia nessa n tô indecisa na resposta)
it was important?
was the lesson difficult?
who were they
Were the Windows open
Oi anjo n sei se acertei a 10 e a 11