BOI-BUMBÁ: Folkloric Bull BOTO ENCANTADO: Shapeshifting River Dolphin; Seducer of Women MULA SEM CABEÇA: Headless Mule; Shape of a Cursed Woman LOBISOMEM: Brazilian Werewolf CURUPIRA: Jungle Spirit; Protector of Animals BOITATA: Giant Fire Snake MAPINGUARI: Hairy, Bipedal Jungle Dweller SACI-PERERE: One-Legged Wish-Granting Trickster CORPO-SECO: "Dry Corpse"; Cursed to Walk the Earth Undead PISADEIRA:Old Hag/ Sits Upon Ones Chest at Night CAIPORA: Cigar-Smoking, Peccary-Riding Trickster CUCA: Shapeshifting Witch; Tormentor of Bad Children BOIUNA: "Cobra Grande"; Giant Nocturnal Black Snake MANTINTA PEREIRA: A Malevolent Hag with Supernatural Powers
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