⇒⇒ Opposites
Resposta para o exercício
1 the opposite of many ⇔ few
4 the opposite of raw ⇔ cooked
8 the opposite of heavy ⇔ light
10 the opposite of soft ⇔ hard
12 the opposite of cheap ⇔ expensive
13 the opposite of deep ⇔ shallow
14 the opposite of dim ⇔ bright
15 the opposite of best ⇔ worst
1 the opposite of true ⇔ false
2 the opposite of smooth ⇔ rough
3 the opposite of rude ⇔ polite
5 the opposite of New ⇔ old
6 the opposite of safe ⇔ dangerous
7 the opposite of crooked ⇔ straight
9 the opposite of thick ⇔ thin
11 the opposite of more ⇔ less
⇒⇒ Antonyms / Antônimos >>> palavras que têm o sentido oposto/contrário. Nem todas as palavras possuem antônimo. Normalmente, apenas adjetivos, preposições e verbos.
beautiful >>> ugly (adjetivo)
big >>> small (adjetivo)
come >>> go (verbo)
buy >>> sell (verbo)
up >>> down (preposition)
in >>> out (preposition)
check-in >>> check-out
empty >>> full
expensive >>> cheap
more >>> less
to bring >>> to take
after >>> before
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