Resposta :
a) I speak English.
→ Do I speak english?
b) Betty eat banana.
→ Does betty eat banana?
c) Jane goes at cinema.
→ Does jane go at cinema?
d) We go for home.
→ Do we go for home?
e)Bob and Michel play global.
→ Do bob and michel play global?
f) You study English.
→ Do you study english?
g) I live in Salvador.
→ Do I live in salvador?
h) John drive your car.
→ Does john drive your car?
i) Carlos watch TV.
→ Does carlos watch tv?
j) Kelly clean the kitchen.
→ Does kelly clean the kitchen?
• Forma Interrogativa:
- A) Do I speak English ?
- B) Does Betty eat banana ?
- C) Does Jane go at cinema ?
- D) Do we go for home ?
- E) Do Bob and Michel play global ?
- F) Do you study English ?
- G) Do I live in Salvador.
- H) Does John drive your car ?
- I) Does Carlos watch TV ?
- J) Does Kelly clean the kitchen ?
⟩⟩ Para se formar sentenças interrogativas no “ Simple Present ” é preciso do verbo auxiliar “do” antes do sujeito da oração, porém se esse sujeito fazer parte da 3ª pessoa do singular usa-se o verbo auxiliar ‘‘does’’.
⟩⟩ Usamos o verbo auxiliar (do) antes dos pronomes pessoais >> I, You, We, They << e o verbo principal no infinitivo, veja exemplos;
- Do I need it ?
- Do you want ?
- Do we have ?
- Do they like it ?
⟩⟩ Já o verbo auxiliar (does) usamos antes dos pronomes pessoais >> He, She, It << e o verbo principal no infinitivo, veja exemplos;
- Does he study ?
- Does she go ?
- Does it work ?
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