35) (M00078864) A sequência numérica abaixo pode ser definida por uma expressão algebrica que relaciona
o valor de cada termo com a sua posição n na sequência, com n € (1.2.3. -
Termo 5 12 19 26 33

Posição (n)1 2 3 4 5

A expressão algébrica que determina o n-esimo termo dessa sequência e

An + 4
B)n + 7
C) 5n + 7
D) 7n-2

Me ajudem pfv!! tou em prova​

Resposta :


Podemos responder sua carta expressando que, como ela é uma menina muito bem educada, ela pode dizer às pessoas, que as garotas também apertam as mãos, e que ela gosta de abraçar somente as pessoas que conhecem bem.

No inglés isso seria:

Sugestão 1:

Dear Teen in New York:

You are an educated girl and I think it is good that when you meet someone you offer them a handshake, a smile and eye contact. I really agree with you, those comments are a bit insulting and sexist.

Therefore, my advice would be that, when you meet someone, you express that you only like to greet with hugs those people you know very well, and that we girls also shake hands.


Sugestão 2:

Dear Teen in New York:

I think that some people are very loving, and like to give a hug when greeting and there is nothing wrong with that, as long as it is respectful.

What does seem wrong to me are the comments of these people, because they are very sexist.

You know that you are a very polite girl, and if you don't like hugs from strangers, you can express them to her.

You can tell them, in a very cordial way, that you don't like hugging people you don't know well and that we girls also shake hands.

Explicação passo a passo: