06) Complete as non-defining relatives clauses usando who ou which (note o antecedente)
a) Robert's parents, _ are retired now, live in Spain. b) Sydney _ has a population of more than 3 million, is Australian's largest city c) Peter's sister _ goes to school with me, is a very nice person d) My uncle John, _ lives in London, is coming to visit me next week e) I saw the film Casablanca, _ won on Oscar in 1942 f) They found the money _ 1 dropped. g) I broke the plate _ was a wedding present h) The police arrested the man _ I saw steal a handbag 1) The Queen fired the chef we had met j). She wrote to her friend _ lives in Vietnam k)Jill ate the sandwich _ had tomato and cheese inside L). His friend _ is a lawyer lives in Scotland???? me ajudem pfvr.