JEANCARLOSBLACKGO JEANCARLOSBLACKGO Inglês Respondido 01) Escolha a opção com o pronome reflexivo que melhor preenche o espaço em branco na frase: We used to work. OurselfOurselvesMyself02) Assinale the sentence correctly: I can’t wash ________ if I don’t have any water.myselfmyselvesherself03) Assinale the right alternative: Educators _________ are not sure about the effects television may have on children. themselvesourselvesyourselves04) Nas frases abaixo, o Pronome Reflexivo está sendo usado com função reflexiva, Exceto: Did you go to the park by yourself?He hurt himself last week.Jane killed herself.05) Na frase I.......... told him that , she had enjoyed the party; complete: herself – myself.her - myselfmyself – herself.06) Por conta do futuro das ações financeiras pode-se dizer “Wall Street is at war with _______ over the future of stocks”. Myself;Itself;Yourself.07) Podemos se expressar esse sentimento por meio de: “Communities can’t help the homeless _______”. by itself;by themselves;08) Qual é a alternativa que indique o sujeito e o objeto da frase como a mesma pessoa? He finished the edition by herself.He cut himself while he was cooking.I myselves build this car.