1) Faça a tradução: (0,3) Qual seria o que melhor traduz ‘to cut’ para o Português?
1.1) Faça a tradução: (0,2) Qual seria o que melhor traduz ‘addition’ para o Português?
2) Choose the best alternative that has the same meaning as the sentence bellow: (0,5) He will talk to his brother after school
a) ( ) He going to talk to his brother after school.
b) ( ) He’s going talk to his brother after school.
c) ( ) He’s going to talk to his brother after school.
d) ( ) He is going talk to his brother after school.
e) ( ) He going to talk his brother after school.
3) Mark the correct alternative: (1,0) a) There is no rice! I ___________ get some. *
am going to
b) Cayo’s presentation ___________ next week. *
will be
is going
c) I ___________ design a new jacket for her party. *
am going to
d) She told she______________ show everything for her friend. *
will to
is going to
e) They said their parents ___________ come to party. *
going to
4) Enumere os sinônimos. (1,0)(SINÔNIMOS = são palavras diferentes com o mesmo significado.) *
5) Leia a história em quadrinhos e marque a alternativa correta. "I CAN SEE THE FUTURE AND IT'S GOING TO BE WONDERFUL..." 5.1) What is the tense? (0,5) *
a. Past. ( )
b. Present. ( )
c. Future. ( )
5.2) O que Garfield disse? (0,5) *
a. Eu posso ver o passado, e foi maravilhoso. ( )
b. Eu posso ver o presente, e está sendo maravilhoso. ( )
c. Eu posso ver o futuro, e será maravilhoso. ( )
6) Leia a história em quadrinhos e marque a alternativa correta. "THERE WILL BE PEACE, HARMONY.." O papel do will na frase é: (0,5) *
a. Transformar o verbo no tempo passado. ( )
b. Transformar o verbo no tempo futuro. ( )
c. Transformar o verbo no tempo presente. ( )
7) What's the correct alternative according to the future with will in t he interrogative form? (0,5) *
( ) Will troubles melt like lemon drops?
( ) The will troubles melt like lemon drops?