Question:- LEIA AS TRÊS FRASES ABAIXO E DEPOIS RESPONDA COM a), b) ou c) 1-So what are the laws around graffiti and where CAN you do it? 2-…..anyone caught doing graffiti CAN be arrested….. 3-The fines (multas) CAN be giving out by police officers, community support or local authority officials. Pergunta:- What is the function of CAN ? Escolha uma das letras a) b) or c) para dizer qual das três funções em cada sentença acima tem o CAN ( Modal verb CAN ).Tudo conforme foi explicado nos MEETS. EXEMPLO:- 1) E escreva a letra escolhida de acordo com a função do CAN. A)Ability/inability B)Possibility/impossibility. C)Permission/prohibition “ WE CAN USE CAN OR CAN’T to say that things are possible or impossible. ---to say that something is possible , we place CAN before the subject. Exemplo :- Can you do a graffiti on the walls of any building? No, I can’t. _ 1)” Anyone CAN become a street artist. A street artist is someone who does or displays art in public spaces.” What is the function of CAN? Answer :- a)ability , b) possibility c) permission. 2-“ Chalk is short and thick, it is the only writing tool I CAN possibly hold….” (Xianren handicapted street artist…..) -What is the function of CAN ? Answer if it’s :- -a)ability b)possibility c)permission 3-Are the street arts valued in your community? R)…………………………………………………………………………… 4-Do you think street art is possible anywhere in the cities? R)………………………………………………………………………………… A)Is graffiti illegal in Brazil? B)How do you personally view graffit: As art, vandalism or what ? C)How can we distinguish street art from vandalism? Responda essas perguntas de acordo com o texto GRAFFITI ou de acordo com que você sabe sobre isso. Leia o texto com atenção e participe do Meet para responder às questões. 5-What do you know about GRAFFITI? 6-Do you think GRAFFITI can be associated with vandalism? 7-What’s the penalty in the UK ( United Kingdom – Reino Unido) if people do unauthorized graffiti?- Você pode responder em português e os valores já estão Convertidos em reais.