Resposta :
1. I drink pop every day. And you? (usually - juice) *
Resposta: No, I don't. I usually drink juice every day.
2. I eat vegetables for lunch. And you? (sometimes - green salad) *
Resposta: No, I don't. I sometimes eat green salad for lunch.
3. I work in the morning. And you? (sometimes - after school) *
Resposta: No, I don't. I sometimes work after school.
4. I help my sister at home. And you? (usually - father) *
Resposta: No, I don't. I usually help my father at home.
5. I go home by car. And you? (usually - foot) *
Resposta: No, I don't. I sometimes go home on foot.
6. I study Spanish. And you? (usually - English) *
Resposta: No, I don't. I usually study English.
7. I drink juice after lunch. And you? (sometimes - gree tea) *
Resposta: No, I don't. I sometimes drink green tea after lunch.
8. I eat cake for breakfast. And you? (sometimes - fruit) *
Resposta: No, I don't. I sometimes eat a fruit for breakfast.
9. I go downtown alone. And you? (always - parents) *
Resposta: No, I don't. I always go downtown with my parents.
10. I study Endlish vocabulary every day. And you? (sometimes - weekends)
Resposta: No, I don't. I sometimes study English on weekends.
Espero ter ajudado :)