Ever since people discovered the importance of exchanging information, communication has been vital to Society. Improvements in communication have broadened people's knowledge of the world. Today it is possible to follow events taking place around the world just by turning on a television or logging onto the Internet. For much of human existence, communications moved only as fast as a person could move. A breakthrough occured in the fifteenth century with the development of printing with movable type. In the 1830s, Samuel Morse's invention of the telegraph showed that messages could move at the speed of electricity. Since then, telephone, radio, television, and satellite relays have continued to revolutionize communications. Today the revolution is still going on. ATIVIDADE 1) Qual a mensagem geral do texto?​

Resposta :


A evolução da comunicação e como isso foi se tornando importante.


Bem, em diversas partes do texto mencionam sobre como a tecnologia evoluiu para seus meios de comunicação. Também mostram o quanto isso é importante para a sociedade.

Espero ter ajudado :)

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