A seguir temos vários verbos que estão misturados entre regulares e irregulares, Vocês devem colocá los no Simple Past, Past Participle e Translation.

1) to walk

2) to rest

3) to play

4) to try

5) to push

6) to write

7) to understand

8) to wear

9) to tell

10) to swin

Resposta :


to walk: walked e walked (caminhar)

2) to rest: rested e rested (descansar)

3) to play: played e played (jogar/tocar)

4) to try: tried e tried (tentar)

5) to push: pushed e pushed (empurrar)

6) to write: wrote e written (escrever)

7) to understand: understood e understood (entender)

8) to wear: wore e worn (vestir)

9) to tell: told e told (contar)

10) to swin: swam e swum (nadar)

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