Resposta :
Will be
Will invent
Won't invent
Will be e will be
Won't be e will work
Will copy
Will make
Will discover e will live
Explicação: the future,there will be flying cars.
2.scientist will invent swimiming cars,too.
3.they won't invent car without drivers because they already exist!
4.the boys' dreams will be reality:the future will be
5.doctors won't be alone in hospitals. robots will work with them in surgeries.
6.humanoids will copy human's actions.
7.drones will make our deliveries.
8.humans will discover new planets and we will live with aliens.
o verbo permanece inflexivo na forma futura, a única coisa que deve ser mudada é o will ou o won't antes do verbo e usamos will para frases afirmativas e won't para frases negativas
espero ter ajudado, qualquer dúvida é só avisar