CAROL200727GO CAROL200727GO Inglês Respondido 3. Nas questões abaixo, assinale a alternativa que responde às perguntas corretamente. Will the boy eat chocolate? a) Yes, she will; b) Yes, he will not; c) Yes,hewill; d) No, he will not; e) No, we won’t. 4. Will Maria and José study? a) Yes, we will; b) Yes, they will; c) Yes,theywon’t; d) No, they won’t; e) No, you will not. 5. Will Mariano sleep or study? a) She will sleep; b) He will study; c) Hewillsleep; d) He will not sleep; e) He will fight. 6. WhatwillMikedo? a) She will fight; b) I will dance; c) theywillsleep; d) we will study; e) He will travel to Araçoiaba. Urgenteee