BEATRYZAVELLAR22GO BEATRYZAVELLAR22GO Inglês Respondido 1-Escolha a opção que com o "personalpronoun"que substitui o nomeadequadamente:a) The girl is sleeping.................issleeping.HeSheO itb) The lion is furius .furious.O itO TheyHec) Peter and Paul are Brothers...............are Brothers. SheTheyOltd) The car is old. HeWeIte) My sister and my mother are fat..............are fat. YouTheyShef)Susan and you are rich. ................ are rich.TheySheYou g) John and l are dentists. .................are dentists.WeTheyYouh) Cristine is French . French.HeSheWei)Helen is sick . ............... is sick SheHelj)plilip is American. American.HeWeThey