1) Complete the sentences with Can, May or Might:
a) The employers ________ (not) arrive later.
b) My brothers ______ also speak Chinese.
c) It ______ be ok.
d) You ______ use my computer to do your assingment.
e) Steve _____ obey if you talk to him politely.
2) Use MUST or MUSTN'T in order to complete the sentences:
a) You _______ cheat on the exams.
b) The Ministers of State _______ present an organized plan to manage the Federal Government.
c) The EU_____accept refugees without a complete application form.
d) NATO would be one of the most important councils in the World, but it ______ count on its country members.
3) Select the incorrect option:
a) It will be able to be solved in the next meeting.
b)Susan and Sophie couldn't sing well when they were younger.
c) That problem can be analyzed by him.
d) Your project will can be mine.
4) In the sentences below which one implies the idea of possibility:
a) We need to consider options for the provision of language training
b) Many people believe that immersion will guarantee fluency
c) It is however a challenge that must be addressed immediately
d) You might also know dozens of expats in various countries.