GUILHERMEMATTOS86GO GUILHERMEMATTOS86GO Inglês Respondido CHOOSE A CORRECT ALTERNATIVE: (PRESENT CONTÍNUOUS) – VALOR: 2,0 1. She is...away from the police. (Run) A. Running B. Runing C. Runnying 2. We're our parents. (Lie) A. Lieing B. Lying C. Ling 3. Animals Amazonia. (Die) A. Dying B. Dieing C. Ding 4. They're...lots of money. (Make) A. Making B. Makeing C. Makeying 5. She her studies. (Excel) A. Excelling B. Exceling C. Excellying 6. Are (Stop) A. Stoping B. Stopping C. Stoppying 7. She is...Mike's brother. (Date) A. Dateing B. Dating C. Datying 8. I am...tired today. (Feel) A. Feeling B. Feelling C. Feling