Resposta :
Afirmando: I am a student.
I am a student
You are a student
He is a student
She is a student
it is a student
We are students
They are students
Negando: I am not a student.
I am not a student
You are not a student
He is not a student
She is not a student
it is not a student
We are not students
They are not students
Perguntando: Am I a student?
Am I a student?
Are you a student?
Is he a student?
Is she a student?
Is it a student?
Are we students?
Are they students?
Afirmando: I have a cat.
He likes ice cream!
Negando:She didn't read the book
We don't go to the cinema
Peguntando: You read the book?
Do they go to class?
Espero ter te ajudado. Não sou a MELHOR em inglês, então me perdoe se tem algo errado