5. Qual é a opção correta para completar a frase: “They‘ll go to her party...” * a) if they will buy new clothes. b) If they bought new clothes. c) if they buy new clothes. d) if they buys new clothes.
6. Marque a alternativa que melhor completa a frase, “You ______ accept his offer. It’s perfect for you!” * a) should b) can’t c) can d) shouldn’t
7. Como você falaria com o seu amigo para pedir uma ajuda com o dever de casa? * a) Might you help me with my homework? b) Could you help me with my homework? c) Should you help me with my homework? d) Must you help me with my homework?
8. Marque a opção que demonstra o uso correto dos pronomes reflexivos. “Phoebe hurt ______ last game, then, she might not play tomorrow.” * a) herselves b) themselves c) herselfie d) herself
9. Em que frase há o uso da voz passiva? * a) Communities have never rejected new members. b) Good ideas took shape at the end of the session. c) Some communities can´t control their growth. d) Several social groups are connected by the Internet. e) Young students are never tired of chatting with friends on email.
10. Como ficaria a voz passiva da frase, “My friend broke the window. The window _______________.” * a) were broken by my friend. b) broke by my friends. c) was breaking by my friends. d) was broken by my friend.