Leia o texto abaixo atentando para todas as palavras transparentes
A Modern Cowboy
1 Last month KGEM TV showed a program on a ‘modern cowboy’. Mike Parrish is a modern cowboy. He always gets up with the sun – about half past four in the summer and half past seven in the winter. In his small caravan in the mountains he first lights a fire in his stove, and then makes some very strong coffee. For breakfast he eats eggs, sausages and potatoes. His dog, Lance, is always by his side.
6 Then he makes his first cigarette of the day. After breakfast he puts on his jeans and boots, checked shirt, and in the winter, his sheepskin coat and gloves. Just before he leaves, he puts on his hat and Mike Parrish is ready for another day in the mountains.
9 Mike’s caravan is in Garden Valley and he lives there about three months a year; in December, January and February. But he likes to move around.
I. Após ter destacado todas as palavras transparentes, responda em português: 1. Sobre o que versa o segundo parágrafo do texto?
2. Por quantos meses a caravana de Mike fica em Garden?
3. O que Mike toma no café da manhã?
II. Em que linha(s) do texto podemos encontrar as seguintes ideias:
1. Mike faz um café muito forte. _________________
2. Ele faz o seu primeiro cigarro do dia._____________
3. Depois do café da manhã ele veste seu jeans, botas e uma camisa
4. Mike Parrish fica nas montanhas aproximadamente três meses por ano.______
III. Retire do texto:
1. uma frase com subject personal pronoun ( pronome sujeito)
2. uma frase com possessive adjective (pronome adjetivo)
3. uma frase com verbo no simple present.

Leia O Texto Abaixo Atentando Para Todas As Palavras Transparentes A Modern Cowboy 1 Last Month KGEM TV Showed A Program On A Modern Cowboy Mike Parrish Is A Mo class=