Make the present simple positive.11. I ________________________ (eat) a lot of fruit. 12. I ________________________ (play) tennis every week. 13. He ________________________ (love) parties. 14. They ________________________ (work) in the city. 15. She ________________________ (live) in Hong Kong. 16. You ________________________ (have) two brothers. 17. I ________________________ (do) my homework. 18. It ________________________ (rain) a lot here. 19. I ________________________ (study) every morning. 20. She ________________________ (wear) glasses.

Resposta :

⇒⇒  Simple present

11. I eat (eat) a lot of fruit.

12. I play (play) tennis every week.

13. He loves (love) parties.

14. They work  (work) in the city.

15. She lives (live) in Hong Kong.

16. You have (have) two brothers.

17. I do (do) my homework.

18. It rains (rain) a lot here.

19. I study (study) every morning.

20. She wears  (wear) glasses.

⇒⇒  Simple present   >>   tempo verbal usado para indicar ações que acontecem no presente. Ele expressa sentimentos, opiniões, preferências, etc. Muitas vezes, são acompanhados de advérbios de tempo.


The kids go to school every day. >> As crianças vão para a escola todo dia.

Tom drives to work. >> Tom vai trabalhar de carro.

→→ Verbos na terceira pessoa do singular

Na maioria dos verbos em inglês, no presente simples - terceira pessoa do singular (he - she - it), basta acrescentar ''s''. Mas, alguns verbos, seguem regras diferentes.

→ Verbos terminados em ''o, sh, ch, x ou ss'', na terceira pessoa do singular (he - she - it) acrescenta ''es''

He goes

He washes

She watches

He fixes

He misses


→ Verbos terminados em consoante seguida de Y, remove o Y e adiciona ''ies''.

I carry - She carries

I study - He studies

→ Verbos terminados em vogal seguida da letra Y, vamos apenas adicionar a letra S no final.

I play - He plays

We stay - She stays  


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