Escreva as orações abaixo em inglês utilizando uma das formas verbais da atividade

a)Quando eu estava lendo o livro minha irmã chegou. (read, arrive)
b)Enquanto nós assistíamos a TV, João e Maria jogavam xadrez (watch, play chess)
c)Meu irmão pegou meu livro quando eu estava dormindo (take, sleep)
d)Quando eu vivi na França eu ganhei muito dinheiro (live, earn)
e)Eu fiz o bolo quando Bob dormia.
f)Enquanto eu estava dormindo, Maria estudava.

Resposta :




A- When I was reading the book my sister arrived. (read, arrive)

B- While we watched TV, João and Maria played chess (watch, play chess)

C- My brother took my book when I was sleeping (take, sleep)

D- When I lived in France I made a lot of money (live, earn)

E- I made the cake when Bob slept.

F- While I was sleeping, Maria studied.


a) When I was reading the book my sister arrived

b) While we were watching Tv, João and Maria were playing chess

c) My brother took my book when I was sleeping

d) When I lived in France I earned a lot of money

e) I baked the cake when bob was sleeping

f) While I was sleeping, Maria was studying