1. Complete as lacunas: "Last night Suzan went to her friends party. She (DANCE) ___________ with your cousin. After the party, they come home, and (DECIDE) _________, go to the cinema. They (WATCH) __________ a horror movie." - A alternativa que apresenta corretamente os verbos em pregados no Simple past, é: *
a) Danced, decided, watched. b) Dance, decided, whatched. c) Dancedd, decidded, whatched. d) Dancied, decidded, whatchhed.
2. Os verbos: "hurry, end, call" - empregados no simple past, seriam: *
a) Hurried, ended, caled. b) Hurried, ended, called. c) Hurryed, and, called. d) Hurred, eddred, caled.
3. Quais regras se aplicaram no quesito anterior: (MARCAR MAIS DE UMA OPÇÃO.) *
a) Verbos terminados em "e".
b) Verbos terminados em consoante em geral.
c) Verbos terminados em Vogal + "y".
d) Verbos monossílabos/oxítonos terminados "CVC".
e) Verbos terminados em Consoante + "y".
f) Verbos terminados em "e". Verbos terminados em consoante em geral. g) Verbos terminados em Vogal + "y".
h) Verbos monossílabos/oxítonos terminados "CVC".
i) Verbos terminados em Consoante + "y".
4. (UTILIZAR TABELA DE IRREGULARES PARA RESPONDER): Como ficariam os verbos: "break, drive, hide", se estivessem no Simple Past? *
a) Broke, drove, hid. b) Brooke, drove, Rid. c) Brooke, drive, hided. d) Broked, drived, hidden.
5. Os verbos: "Meant, sent, taught", estão empregados no passado; como seriam se estivessem no infinitivo? *
a) Meamt, seds, teacher. b) Meam, sant, daught. c) Meant, sants, daught. d) Mean, send, teach.
6. Complete as lacunas com os verbos entre parênteses conjugados no Simple Past "I - She _______(go) to the shopping mall." / "II - Your parents _______ (make) a cake." *
a) I - She wents to the shopping mall. / II - Your parents mades a cake.
b) I - She wented to the shopping mall. / II - Your parents madied a cake.
c) I - She goes to the shopping mall. / II - Your parents maked a cake.
d) I - She went to the shopping mall. / II - Your parents made a cake.