Choose the best option of Present Continuous.
1) The dog __________ like crazy. (to run)
a) are running
b) is running
c) is runing

2) I ______ the dishes now. (to wash)
a) am washing
b) are washing
c) is washing

3) She _________ at this moment, but she needs to study. (sleep)
a) is sleeping
b) is sleepping
c) are sleeping

4) My mom ____________ a chocolate cake. (make)
a) is makeing
b) am making
c) is making

5) We __________ a delicious meal. (cook)
a) are cooking
b) are cookking
c) are cook

Resposta :

1. B

2. A

3. A

4. C

5. A

Explicação: Basta observar a conjugação do verbo To Be no presente e a forma correta do verbo no gerúndio.

Resposta:1) a

2) a

3) a

4) c

5) a