SEMANA 01 Exercício 1 Leia o texto "A Family of Ducks" e responda às questões abaixo: 0 Reading Comprehension for Kindy Kids A Family of Ducks There is a family of ducks down at the lake. There's a white mother duck and her three yellow ducklings There's also an auntie duck who is brown Mother duck says, Quack-quack." Auntie duck says "Quack- quack." The little yellow ducklings go Cheep-cheep, cheep-cheep." I saw auntie duck waddle to the water and start to swim. Mother duck did the same. Then followed the little ducklings. one-two-three. The two big ducks and three little ducks swam to the other side of the lake. Auntie duck waddled onto the land and shook the water off her feathers. Mother duck did the same. Then followed the little ducklings. one-two-three. a) Onde vivem a família dos patos?