Leia o texto a seguir:
Kindergartens in Hong Kong
It is very important to get into a good school in Hong Kong. And to
get into a good school, a child must get into a good kindergarten
There are even courses in Hong Kong which help children prepare
for kindergarten interviews. The biggest value of one course is to
take away the children's fear. Instead of getting scared, the
children think of the interview as a happy experience. It is like
playing games.
A mother said that it is expensive to raise a child in Hong Kong.
She said that everybody competes against each other. She feels a
lot of pressure.
(NEWS IN LEVELS, 26 maio 2015)
No texto, há um verbo modal. Identifique-o e assinale a alternativa
que o indica corretamente:​

Resposta :


eu não sei essa pergunta

Resposta: “Must”.

Explicação: O modal verb “must“ enquadra-se na classe de obligation, ou seja, expressa uma obrigação ou dever. Na frase, em tradução livre, ele é expressado da seguinte forma: “Uma criança deve entrar em um bom jardim de infância
