Resposta :
⇒⇒ Personal pronouns
1.1 I remember that they bought the car from us.
1.2 She usually writes many letters to him.
1.3 I am sitting on the sofa.
1.4 We are watching TV.
1.5 Are you from England?
1.6 He is going home.
1.7 They are playing soccer.
1.8 It is a wonderful day today.
⇒⇒ Subject Pronouns / Personal pronouns / Pronomes pessoais >>> usado para substituir os nomes próprios e/ou substantivos. Aparecem quase sempre no início das frases e sempre antes dos verbos ou preposições.
I >>> eu
You >>> você
He >>> ele
She >>> ela
It >>> coisas, animais
We >>> nós >> plural de '' I ''
You >>> vocês
They >>> eles/elas >>> plural de he - she - it
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