1-Você vai ler cartas ao leitor retiradas de diferentes meios de comunicação.Idenfique suas partes,copiando cada uma delas no espaço indicado

1Você Vai Ler Cartas Ao Leitor Retiradas De Diferentes Meios De ComunicaçãoIdenfique Suas Partescopiando Cada Uma Delas No Espaço Indicado class=

Resposta :


• Saudação: Sir

• Corpo da carta: I have just issued a €100 personal bond for the household charge, which will not be payable until 2025. I am in the process of issuing similar bonds to Irish Life Permanent, VHI and various banks.

• Despedida: Yours, etc.

• Assinatura: Keith Nolan

• Local: Caldragh, Carrick-on-Shannon, Co Leitrim.


• Título: Vaccines and priorities

• Saudação: Sir

• Corpo da carta: As the public endures the worst effeects of a third Covid-19 lockdown, vaccination represents the light at the end of the tunnel. However, the lack of a transparent vaccination rollout plan and related communications is upsetting for many peoble. The public require simple factual answers to the questions who, when, and where. Clarity around these questions, from one of the many national committees, would be very reassuring during this lockdown.

• Despedida : Yours, etc

• Assinatura : Seamus Cowman

• Local : Ireland, Dublin 2.


• Saudação: Sir

• Corpo da carta: As I write this letter, the latest vaccination figures on the Government's own website are six daYs out of date. That doesn't instil much confidence as to when my time will come.

• Despedida: Yours, etc.

• Assinatura: Dave Wright

• Local: Gorey, Co Wexford.