Resposta :
⇒⇒ Simple present >> verb ''to have''
01) Negative ''have''
A) Walmir doesn't have black eyes.
B) l don't have a new car.
C) You don't have an old wristwatch.
D) He doesn't have many friends in Salvador city.
E) She doesn't have a tablet.
F) It doesn't have a dog.
G) We don't have a large library at the mall.
H) You don't have many interesting stories to tell.
i) They don't have six kids.
02. ''Interrogative ''have''
A) Does Walmir have black eyes?
B) Do you have a new car?
C) Do I have an old wristwatch?
D) Does he have many friends in Salvador city?
E) Does she have a tablet?
F) Does it have a dog?
G) Do we have a large library at the mall?
H) Do you have many interesting stories to tell?
i) Do they have six kids?
To have: verbo ''ter''
To be: verbo ''ser'' ou ''estar''
→→ Simple present - Affirmative >> verb ''to have''
Have >>> usado com I - We - you - They
Has >>> usado com He - She - It
I have many friends.
You have two sisters
He has a dog.
She has a lot of homework.
It has a toy.
We have black cars.
You have time to play soccer.
They have white t-shirts.
Obs.: Na terceira pessoa do singular - he - she - it - o verbo ''to have'' muda para ''has'' na afirmativa
Obs.: Na interrogativa e na negativa, na terceira pessoa do singular - he - she - it - o verbo volta à forma original >> have
→→ Simple present - Negative
Don't + have >>> usado com I - We - you - They
Doesn't + have >>> usado com He - She - It
They don't have a new car.
David doesn't have an English class tomorrow.
Helen doesn't have time to have fun.
→→ Simple present - Interrogative
Do + sujeito + have >>> usado com I - We - you - They
Does + sujeito + have >>> usado com He - She - It
Do they have a new car?
Does he have an English class tomorrow?
Does Susan have two sisters?
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