Resposta :
⇒⇒ Past continuous
a) Were Melissa and Thomas calling their friend? (call)
b) Was Meredith taking out a book? (take)
c) Were they repairing the car? (repair)
d) Was Derek working on the computer? (work)
e) Were you listening to music? (listen)
⇒⇒ Past Continuous >> tempo verbal usado para falar sobre ações que estavam acontecendo no passado ao mesmo em que outra ação estava acontecendo ou logo após algo acontecer.
→ Estrutura afirmativa
Subject + was - were + verbo -ing + complemento
She was studying when she saw the dog.
Ela estava estudando quando ela viu o cachorro.
→ Estrutura interrogativa
was / were + sujeito + verbo -ing + complemento
Were you playing soccer?
Was she watching tv when the phone rang?
→ Estrutura negativa
sujeito + was / were + not + verbo -ing + complemento
John was not running at the park.
The kids were not playing soccer.
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